Source code for additive.additive

Data structure for representing additive secret shares of integers,
designed for use within secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Union, Optional, Sequence
import doctest
import base64
import secrets

[docs]class share: """ Data structure for representing an additive secret share of an integer. :param value: Integer value to be split into secret shares. :param exponent: Exponent in finite field order of ``2 ** exponent`` that is at least ``8``, at most ``128``, and is a multiple of ``8``. :param signed: Flag indicating whether ``value`` is a signed integer; this flag affects the specific way in which a secret share is represented internally and shifts the range of integer values that can be represented from ``range(0, 2 ** exponent)`` to ``range(-(2 ** (exponent - 1)), (2 ** (exponent - 1)))``. Normally, the :obj:`shares` function should be used to construct a list of :obj:`share` objects that have correct internal structure. >>> ((a, b), (c, d)) = (shares(123), shares(456)) >>> ((a + c) + (b + d)).to_int() 579 Direct construction of :obj:`share` objects is made available to enable other use cases, protocols, and/or extensions. >>> share(123) share(123, 32, False) >>> share(2**32 - 1, 32) share(4294967295, 32, False) >>> share(-(2**31), exponent=32, signed=True) share(0, 32, True) Some compatibility and validity checks of the supplied parameter values are performed. >>> share(2**32, 32) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: value is not in range that can be represented using supplied parameters >>> share(123, 12) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: exponent must be a positive multiple of 8 that is at most 128 """ def __init__( self: share, value: int, exponent: Optional[int] = 32, signed: Optional[bool] = False ): self.value = share._value_from_parameters(value, exponent, signed) self.exponent = exponent self.signed = signed @staticmethod def _value_from_parameters(value: int, exponent: int, signed: bool) -> int: """ Confirm that supplied parameters are compatible and return an appropriate positive integer representation of the supplied value. """ if not (1 <= exponent <= 128) or exponent % 8 != 0: raise ValueError( 'exponent must be a positive multiple of 8 that is at most 128' ) minimum = -(2 ** (exponent - 1)) if signed else 0 maximum = 2 ** (exponent - 1 if signed else exponent) if not minimum <= value < maximum: raise ValueError( 'value is not in range that can be represented using ' + 'supplied parameters' ) return value + (maximum if signed else 0) @classmethod def _from_parameters( cls, value: int, exponent: Optional[int] = 32, signed: Optional[bool] = False ) -> share: """ Internal method for constructing a :obj:`share` object without conducting any checks. """ self = cls.__new__(cls) self.value = value self.exponent = exponent self.signed = signed return self
[docs] @staticmethod def from_bytes(bs: Union[bytes, bytearray]) -> share: """ Convert a secret share represented as a bytes-like object into a :obj:`share` object. >>> share.from_bytes(bytes([30, 1] + ([0] * 31))) share(1, 16, False) An attempt to decode an invalid binary representation raises an exception. >>> share.from_bytes(bytes([12, 1] + ([0] * 31))) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid exponent in binary encoding of share """ exponent = (bs[0] >> 1) + 1 if exponent <= 0 or exponent % 8 != 0: raise ValueError('invalid exponent in binary encoding of share') return share._from_parameters( value=int.from_bytes(bs[1:], 'little'), exponent=exponent, signed = bool(bs[0] % 2) )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_base64(s: str) -> share: """ Convert a secret share represented as a Base64 encoding of a bytes-like object into a :obj:`share` object. >>> share.from_base64('HgEA') share(1, 16, False) """ return share.from_bytes(base64.standard_b64decode(s))
[docs] def __add__(self: share, other: Union[share, int]) -> share: """ Add two secret shares (represented as :obj:`share` objects); ``0`` is supported as an input to accommodate the base case required by the Python :obj:`sum` operator. >>> (s, t) = shares(123) >>> s + t share(123, 32, False) >>> (s + t) + 0 share(123, 32, False) >>> ((a, b), (c, d)) = (shares(123), shares(456)) >>> ((a + c) + (b + d)).to_int() 579 >>> (ss, ts) = (shares(123, 3, signed=True), shares(-100, 3, signed=True)) >>> ((ss[0] + ts[0]) + (ss[1] + ts[1]) + (ss[2] + ts[2])).to_int() 23 >>> ts = [shares(-n, 10, signed=True) for n in [123, 456, 789]] >>> sum(sum(ss) for ss in zip(*ts)).to_int() -1368 When secret shares are added, it is not possible to determine whether the sum of the values they represent exceeds the maximum value that can be represented. If the sum does exceed the value, then the value reconstructed from the shares will wrap around. In the case of unsigned integer values, this corresponds to the usual behavior of field elements. >>> (a, b) = shares(255, exponent=8) # Unsigned one-byte integer. >>> (c, d) = shares(123, exponent=8) # Unsigned one-byte integer. >>> ((a + c) + (b + d)).to_int() == (255 + 123) % 256 == 122 True In the case of signed integers, the sum will wrap from positive to negative (in a manner similar to that of typical implementations of signed integer addition in other popular languages and libraries). >>> (a, b) = shares(127, exponent=8, signed=True) >>> (c, d) = shares(2, exponent=8, signed=True) >>> ((a + c) + (b + d)).to_int() == -128 + ((127 + 2) % 128) == -127 True An attempt to add secret shares that are represented using different finite fields (or are not all signed/unsigned) raises an exception. >>> share(0, 8) + share(0, 16) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: shares must have compatible parameters to be added >>> share(0, 8, signed=True) + share(0, 8, signed=False) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: shares must have compatible parameters to be added The examples below test this addition method for a range of share quantities and addition operation counts. >>> for quantity in range(2, 20): ... for operations in range(2, 20): ... vs = [ ... int.from_bytes(secrets.token_bytes(2), 'little') ... for _ in range(operations) ... ] ... sss = [shares(v, quantity, signed=True) for v in vs] ... assert(sum([sum(ss) for ss in zip(*sss)]).to_int() == sum(vs)) """ if isinstance(other, int) and other == 0: return self if self.exponent == other.exponent and self.signed == other.signed: return share._from_parameters( ( self.value + other.value + (2 ** (self.exponent - 1) if self.signed else 0) ) % (2 ** self.exponent), self.exponent, self.signed ) raise ValueError( 'shares must have compatible parameters to be added' )
[docs] def __radd__(self: share, other: Union[share, int]) -> share: """ Add two secret shares (represented as :obj:`share` objects); ``0`` is supported as an input to accommodate the base case required by the Python :obj:`sum` operator. >>> (s, t) = shares(123) >>> s + t share(123, 32, False) >>> 0 + (s + t) share(123, 32, False) >>> sum(shares(123, 10)) share(123, 32, False) """ if isinstance(other, int) and other == 0: return self return other + self # pragma: no cover
[docs] def __mul__(self: share, scalar: int) -> share: """ Multiply this secret share by an integer scalar. Note that all secret shares must be multiplied by the same integer scalar in order for the reconstructed value to reflect the correct result. >>> (s, t) = shares(123) >>> s = s * 2 >>> t = t * 2 >>> (s + t).to_int() 246 >>> (s, t) = shares(123, exponent=16, signed=True) >>> s = s * 2 >>> t = t * 2 >>> (s + t).to_int() 246 Multiplication of shares of signed integers by negative scalars is supported. >>> (s, t) = shares(123, exponent=16, signed=True) >>> s = s * -3 >>> t = t * -3 >>> (s + t).to_int() -369 >>> (s, t) = shares(123, exponent=16, signed=True) >>> s = s * -1 >>> t = t * -1 >>> (s + t).to_int() -123 When secret shares are multiplied by a scalar, it is not possible to determine whether the result exceeds the range of values that can be represented. If the result does fall outside the range, then the value reconstructed from the shares will wrap around. In the case of unsigned integer values, this corresponds to the usual behavior of field elements. >>> (s, t) = shares(129, exponent=8) >>> s = s * 2 >>> t = t * 2 >>> (s + t).to_int() == (129 * 2) % (2 ** 8) == 2 True In the case of signed integers, the result will wrap around the upper or lower boundary of the range that can be represented (in a manner similar to that of typical implementations of signed integer multiplication in other popular languages and libraries). >>> (a, b) = shares(65, exponent=8, signed=True) >>> ((2 * a) + (2 * b)).to_int() == -128 + (130 % 128) == -126 True >>> (a, b) = shares(65, exponent=8, signed=True) >>> ((-2 * a) + (-2 * b)).to_int() == (-130) % 128 == 126 True >>> (a, b) = shares(-65, exponent=8, signed=True) >>> ((-2 * a) + (-2 * b)).to_int() == -128 + (130 % 128) == -126 True The scalar argument must be an integer. >>> (s, t) = shares(123) >>> s = s * 2.0 Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: scalar must be an integer Shares of unsigned integers cannot be multiplied by a negative scalar. >>> (s, t) = shares(123, signed=False) >>> s = s * -2 Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: shares of unsigned integers cannot be multiplied by a negative scalar The examples below test this scalar multiplication method for a range of share quantities and a number of random scalar values. >>> for quantity in range(2, 20): ... for _ in range(100): ... v = int.from_bytes(secrets.token_bytes(2), 'little') ... c = -128 + int.from_bytes(secrets.token_bytes(1), 'little') ... ss = shares(v, quantity, signed=True) ... assert(sum([c * s for s in ss]).to_int() == c * v) """ if not isinstance(scalar, int): raise TypeError('scalar must be an integer') if not self.signed and scalar < 0: raise ValueError( 'shares of unsigned integers cannot be multiplied by a negative scalar' ) # Restore the number of offset terms to be exactly one in the representation of # the signed integer in the share instance returned by this method. offset = (abs(scalar) - 1) * (2 ** (self.exponent - 1)) if self.signed else 0 return share._from_parameters( value=((self.value * scalar) + offset) % (2 ** self.exponent), exponent=self.exponent, signed=self.signed )
[docs] def __rmul__(self: share, scalar: int) -> share: """ Multiply this secret share by an integer scalar. Note that all secret shares must be multiplied by the same integer scalar in order for the reconstructed value to reflect the correct result. >>> (s, t) = shares(123) >>> s = 2 * s >>> t = 2 * t >>> (s + t).to_int() 246 >>> (r, s, t) = shares(123, 3, signed=True) >>> r = -2 * r >>> s = -2 * s >>> t = -2 * t >>> (r + s + t).to_int() -246 """ return self * scalar
[docs] def to_int(self: share) -> int: """ Obtain the integer value represented by a fully reconstructed aggregate of secret shares (no checking is performed that the :obj:`share` object represents a complete reconstruction). >>> (s, t) = shares(123) >>> (s + t).to_int() 123 >>> (r, s, t) = shares(-123, 3, signed=True) >>> sum([r, s, t]).to_int() -123 >>> (q, r, s, t) = shares(-123, 4, signed=True) >>> sum([q, r, s, t]).to_int() -123 >>> all([ ... sum(shares(-123, q, signed=True)).to_int() == -123 ... for q in range(2, 7) ... ]) True """ return self.value - (2 ** (self.exponent - 1)) if self.signed else self.value
[docs] def to_bytes(self: share) -> bytes: """ Return a bytes-like object that encodes this :obj:`share` object. >>> share.from_base64('HgEA').to_bytes().hex() '1e0100' >>> ss = [s.to_bytes() for s in shares(123)] >>> sum(share.from_bytes(s) for s in ss).to_int() 123 """ return ( bytes([((self.exponent - 1) << 1) + int(self.signed)]) + self.value.to_bytes(self.exponent // 8, 'little') )
[docs] def to_base64(self: share) -> str: """ Return a Base64 string representation of this :obj:`share` object. >>> share(123, 128).to_base64() '/nsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=' >>> ss = [s.to_base64() for s in shares(-123, signed=True)] >>> sum(share.from_base64(s) for s in ss).to_int() -123 """ return base64.standard_b64encode(self.to_bytes()).decode('utf-8')
[docs] def __str__(self: share) -> str: """ Return the string representation of this :obj:`share` object. >>> str(share(123)) 'share(123, 32, False)' """ return 'share(' + ', '.join([ str(self.value), str(self.exponent), str(self.signed) ]) + ')'
[docs] def __repr__(self: share) -> str: """ Return the string representation of this :obj:`share` object. >>> share(123) share(123, 32, False) """ return str(self)
[docs]def shares( value: int, quantity: Optional[int] = 2, exponent: Optional[int] = 32, signed: Optional[bool] = False ) -> Sequence[share]: """ Convert an integer into two or more secret shares constructed according to the supplied parameters. :param value: Integer value to be split into secret shares. :param quantity: Number of secret shares (at least two) to construct and return. :param exponent: Exponent in finite field order of ``2 ** exponent`` that is at least ``8``, at most ``128``, and is a multiple of ``8``. :param signed: Flag indicating whether ``value`` is a signed integer; this flag affects the specific way in which a secret share is represented internally and shifts the range of integer values that can be represented from ``{0, ..., (2 ** exponent) - 1}`` to ``{-(2 ** (exponent - 1)), ..., (2 ** (exponent - 1)) - 1}``. >>> (s, t) = shares(123) >>> (s + t).to_int() 123 >>> ss = shares(123, 20) >>> len(ss) 20 >>> sum(ss).to_int() 123 >>> all(isinstance(s, share) for s in shares(123)) True Some compatibility and validity checks of the integer value and the parameter values are performed. >>> shares(123, 2, exponent=129) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: exponent must be a positive multiple of 8 that is at most 128 >>> shares(256, 2, exponent=8) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: value is not in range that can be represented using supplied parameters >>> shares(128, 2, exponent=8, signed=True) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: value is not in range that can be represented using supplied parameters >>> shares(-129, 2, exponent=8, signed=True) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: value is not in range that can be represented using supplied parameters """ value = share._value_from_parameters( # pylint: disable=protected-access value, exponent, signed ) # An offset term is added to the representation of every share of a signed # integer. This is necessary because the same operation (*i.e.*, addition) # is used to add secret shares and to reconstruct an integer value from # secret shares. Therefore, it is convenient to assume that all shares # (regardless which one it is or whether it is an initially created # instance or one created in the midst of a workflow) include an offset # term. For every addition operation between two share instances, exactly # one of the two offset terms is removed. Thus, only one offset term must # be removed when a value is reconstructed from shares. offset = (2 ** (exponent - 1)) if signed else 0 (ss, t) = ([], 0) for _ in range(quantity - 1): bs = secrets.token_bytes(exponent) v = (int.from_bytes(bs, 'little') + offset) % (2 ** exponent) ss.append(share._from_parameters( # pylint: disable=protected-access v, exponent, signed )) t = (t + v) % (2 ** exponent) ss.append(share._from_parameters( # pylint: disable=protected-access ( value + ((2 ** exponent) - t) + ( # Subtracting ``t`` in the above removed either an even or odd # number of ``offset`` terms. Thus, when ``quantity - 1`` is odd, # the total of the two terms above would result in a share that # has no offset term. Since this last share should also have an # ``offset`` term, ensure that the term is restored. offset if quantity % 2 == 0 else 0 ) ) % (2 ** exponent), exponent, signed )) return ss
if __name__ == '__main__': doctest.testmod() # pragma: no cover